Unlock corporate credit cards with trip details submission


Product Design Intern


Jun – Aug 2023


Figma, Jira


2 Product Designers1 Product Manager3 Engineers (Web/iOS/Android)1 UX Researcher1 UX Writer


End-to-end design Future vision development Handling edge cases Presentation delivery Cross-team collaboration


Unlock corporate credit cards with trip details submission


Product Design Intern


Jun – Aug 2023


Figma, Jira


2 Product Designers1 Product Manager3 Engineers (Web/iOS/Android)1 UX Researcher1 UX Writer


End-to-end design Future vision development Handling edge cases Presentation delivery Cross-team collaboration


Unlock corporate credit cards with trip details submission


Product Design Intern


Jun – Aug 2023


Figma, Jira


2 Product Designers1 Product Manager3 Engineers (Web/iOS/Android)1 UX Researcher1 UX Writer


End-to-end design Future vision development Handling edge cases Presentation delivery Cross-team collaboration


During my summer 2023 product design internship at Navan,
I led the end-to-end design of the "Trip Proposal" feature for both the app and web, aimed at reducing business card rejection rates.

In addition, I addressed edge cases to ensure smooth implementation and proposed future visions for business impact.

The feature successfully launched in Q1 2024.


Restrictive policy leading to 37,000+ business credit card rejections

Over 37,000 credit card rejections were reported by Navan users—business travelers who found their Navan business credit cards unusable due to company policies that only activate travel cards for trips involving flights or hotel bookings.

Why is this important?

This restriction was particularly problematic for travelers on short trips without such bookings, often leading to embarrassing card declines and subsequent reimbursement hassles.


Restrictive policy leading to 37,000+ business credit card rejections

Over 37,000 credit card rejections were reported by Navan users—business travelers who found their Navan business credit cards unusable due to company policies that only activate travel cards for trips involving flights or hotel bookings.

Why is this important?

This restriction was particularly problematic for travelers on short trips without such bookings, often leading to embarrassing card declines and subsequent reimbursement hassles.


Restrictive policy leading to 37,000+ business credit card rejections

Over 37,000 credit card rejections were reported by Navan users—business travelers who found their Navan business credit cards unusable due to company policies that only activate travel cards for trips involving flights or hotel bookings.

Why is this important?

This restriction was particularly problematic for travelers on short trips without such bookings, often leading to embarrassing card declines and subsequent reimbursement hassles.


Allowing users unlock their business credit cards by submitting trip details

To address these pain points, I designed the "Trip Proposal" feature for both the web and the app. This allows business travelers to temporarily unlock their cards by submitting necessary travel and expense information to their administrator. I worked on the user side of the design, while my colleague, Stephanie He, focused on the admin side.

User scenario consideration

My aim was to create a seamless and delightful user experience where people can naturally achieve their goals. It was essential for the "Trip Proposal" feature to be intuitive and easily integrated into the user’s existing workflow.


Allowing users unlock their business credit cards by submitting trip details

To address these pain points, I designed the "Trip Proposal" feature for both the web and the app. This allows business travelers to temporarily unlock their cards by submitting necessary travel and expense information to their administrator. I worked on the user side of the design, while my colleague, Stephanie He, focused on the admin side.

User scenario consideration

My aim was to create a seamless and delightful user experience where people can naturally achieve their goals. It was essential for the "Trip Proposal" feature to be intuitive and easily integrated into the user’s existing workflow.


Allowing users unlock their business credit cards by submitting trip details

To address these pain points, I designed the "Trip Proposal" feature for both the web and the app. This allows business travelers to temporarily unlock their cards by submitting necessary travel and expense information to their administrator. I worked on the user side of the design, while my colleague, Stephanie He, focused on the admin side.

User scenario consideration

My aim was to create a seamless and delightful user experience where people can naturally achieve their goals. It was essential for the "Trip Proposal" feature to be intuitive and easily integrated into the user’s existing workflow.

User Challenge

How can we naturally lead users to adopt the new feature?


Balancing user autonomy with security

I initially developed user flows that gave users complete autonomy over unlocking their business credit cards. However, discussions with PMs and the legal team highlighted potential risks, prompting several iterations to refine the policy and user flow for the MVP launch.


Balancing user autonomy with security

I initially developed user flows that gave users complete autonomy over unlocking their business credit cards. However, discussions with PMs and the legal team highlighted potential risks, prompting several iterations to refine the policy and user flow for the MVP launch.


Balancing user autonomy with security

I initially developed user flows that gave users complete autonomy over unlocking their business credit cards. However, discussions with PMs and the legal team highlighted potential risks, prompting several iterations to refine the policy and user flow for the MVP launch.


Allowing users easy access from multiple entry points

To ensure easy access, I developed designs for various entry points, including email and mobile notifications for card transaction rejections (reactive users), and the app and web’s Card Info page (proactive users).

Design Iterations

I explored multiple design options for proactive user entry points. Feedback from the design team helped finalize the entry point through the 'Card Info' page, which aligned best with user flow and minimized technical debt.


Allowing users easy access from multiple entry points

To ensure easy access, I developed designs for various entry points, including email and mobile notifications for card transaction rejections (reactive users), and the app and web’s Card Info page (proactive users).

Design Iterations

I explored multiple design options for proactive user entry points. Feedback from the design team helped finalize the entry point through the 'Card Info' page, which aligned best with user flow and minimized technical debt.


Allowing users easy access from multiple entry points

To ensure easy access, I developed designs for various entry points, including email and mobile notifications for card transaction rejections (reactive users), and the app and web’s Card Info page (proactive users).

Design Iterations

I explored multiple design options for proactive user entry points. Feedback from the design team helped finalize the entry point through the 'Card Info' page, which aligned best with user flow and minimized technical debt.

technical Challenge

How can we minimize user frustration when their trip proposals get rejected?

Edge Case

Addressing rejections and unhappy paths

Users might fail to unlock their cards if their trip proposals are rejected. To help users clearly understand the situation and take further action, I designed flows and screens that provide immediate notifications about the status of their trip proposals. Users can review the admin's rejection message, understand the reason for the rejection, and be guided to manually submit transactions or dispute the decision.

Edge Case

Addressing rejections and unhappy paths

Users might fail to unlock their cards if their trip proposals are rejected. To help users clearly understand the situation and take further action, I designed flows and screens that provide immediate notifications about the status of their trip proposals. Users can review the admin's rejection message, understand the reason for the rejection, and be guided to manually submit transactions or dispute the decision.

Edge Case

Addressing rejections and unhappy paths

Users might fail to unlock their cards if their trip proposals are rejected. To help users clearly understand the situation and take further action, I designed flows and screens that provide immediate notifications about the status of their trip proposals. Users can review the admin's rejection message, understand the reason for the rejection, and be guided to manually submit transactions or dispute the decision.


Handling credit card status complexity

Given the nature of this feature involving business credit cards, several related scenarios needed consideration. After presenting the final end-to-end designs and addressing edge cases related to credit card statuses to a cross-team meeting, we identified multiple reasons a user's card might be inactive, such as being frozen or lost. I aimed to ensure users always have clear information about their card status. I designed a card info section that precisely indicates the card's status and provides clear reasons and error messages if the card is locked.


Handling credit card status complexity

Given the nature of this feature involving business credit cards, several related scenarios needed consideration. After presenting the final end-to-end designs and addressing edge cases related to credit card statuses to a cross-team meeting, we identified multiple reasons a user's card might be inactive, such as being frozen or lost. I aimed to ensure users always have clear information about their card status. I designed a card info section that precisely indicates the card's status and provides clear reasons and error messages if the card is locked.


Handling credit card status complexity

Given the nature of this feature involving business credit cards, several related scenarios needed consideration. After presenting the final end-to-end designs and addressing edge cases related to credit card statuses to a cross-team meeting, we identified multiple reasons a user's card might be inactive, such as being frozen or lost. I aimed to ensure users always have clear information about their card status. I designed a card info section that precisely indicates the card's status and provides clear reasons and error messages if the card is locked.

Business Challenge

How can we leverage the feature to boost on-platform travel bookings?


Potential revenue leakage

A concern was that this feature might encourage users to book travel off-platform, leading to revenue leakage. To address this, i designed the product roadmap and key screens to create business value by encouraging users to book travel (hotels, flights) on Navan.


Potential revenue leakage

A concern was that this feature might encourage users to book travel off-platform, leading to revenue leakage. To address this, i designed the product roadmap and key screens to create business value by encouraging users to book travel (hotels, flights) on Navan.


Potential revenue leakage

A concern was that this feature might encourage users to book travel off-platform, leading to revenue leakage. To address this, i designed the product roadmap and key screens to create business value by encouraging users to book travel (hotels, flights) on Navan.


Cross-team collaboration

This challenge required collaboration with the Travel team while I was part of the Expense team. Active cross-team collaboration with designers and PMs from different products was essential to ensure alignment. I proactively collaborated with the Travel product design team to maintain design consistency across different products. Clear communication and demonstrating design intentions were crucial during cross-team design critiques to ensure mutual understanding of each other's products.


Cross-team collaboration

This challenge required collaboration with the Travel team while I was part of the Expense team. Active cross-team collaboration with designers and PMs from different products was essential to ensure alignment. I proactively collaborated with the Travel product design team to maintain design consistency across different products. Clear communication and demonstrating design intentions were crucial during cross-team design critiques to ensure mutual understanding of each other's products.


Cross-team collaboration

This challenge required collaboration with the Travel team while I was part of the Expense team. Active cross-team collaboration with designers and PMs from different products was essential to ensure alignment. I proactively collaborated with the Travel product design team to maintain design consistency across different products. Clear communication and demonstrating design intentions were crucial during cross-team design critiques to ensure mutual understanding of each other's products.


Connecting travel booking from submission page

Through active collaboration, I designed new entry points to the feature from the Travel product side, allowing users to access Travel features from the Expense product. This streamlined the travel booking process and helped prevent revenue leakage.


Connecting travel booking from submission page

Through active collaboration, I designed new entry points to the feature from the Travel product side, allowing users to access Travel features from the Expense product. This streamlined the travel booking process and helped prevent revenue leakage.


Connecting travel booking from submission page

Through active collaboration, I designed new entry points to the feature from the Travel product side, allowing users to access Travel features from the Expense product. This streamlined the travel booking process and helped prevent revenue leakage.


MVP successfully launched in Q1 2024!

I learned…

Pushing the boundaries with the power of collaboration

It was a privilege to work on the top feature request of the quarter, a challenge that had been on users' wish lists for years.

The main lesson I learned during my internship is the importance of collaboration. Throughout the design crit meetings with the team, I encountered new challenges, both big and small, which pushed me to expand my boundaries continually. Working with talented individuals across various teams, especially legal and engineering, provided insights and brought us closer to creating an excellent product.

The success of this project was truly a team effort.
The support and collaboration from my colleagues enabled me to achieve results that would have been impossible on my own!


She was fearless in uncovering new challenges and always a step ahead with her proposed solutions.

Leading the end-user experience, Yuri collaborated with designers who represented various other parts of our system to generate a holistic solution.

She also worked in tandem with product managers and UX researchers to keep in close touch with users’ needs, and ensure she fully understood the problem and constraints. Her work was clean, professional, and thorough.

She was open to feedback, highly motivated, and always a joy to work with.

Eyal Ophir
VP of Product Design at Navan

Witnessing Yuri’s rapid learning and development was truly a pleasure.

Yuri did an amazing job during her internship with Navan. And we asked a lot of her! In just three short months, she undertook a variety of impactful projects that truly impressed our team.

Her level of maturity, eagerness to take initiative and incorporate feedback left a lasting impression on all of us.

Kamila Krauze
Staff Product Designer at Navan

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